
Astral travelling

Ten years ago I was interested in this problem and tried to get success in 2 years. But I couldn`t. Luckily.

Since than years have passed and I looked at this problem differently.


What is controlled and uncontrolled body leaving and what`s the difference?

Controlled body leaving is fully conscious leaving of our immortal soul and guardian angel of the body which is done without any harm to our health and foresees obligatory returning within time with all information saved.

Uncontrolled body leaving is either a swoon, death or loss of consciousness.

There is another way: drugs, poison, etc.

However, in this case such “flight” cause slow damage of your body and in certain moment you can find that there is no place to return into and it`s difficult to understand whether you really have been somewhere or it`s just hallucinations.


It`s really interesting to travel across Earth and visit places where you have never been. Relocation occurs at once and outward surrounding are what you like: banker`s office, villa of a superstar, military base, mountain peal or nuclear reactor.

You can live in either place for some days and nobody will notice you, nothing will happen to you.

It can happen rather rarely that you can travel in open space and will see even mpre interesting places. But returning will be more difficult.


1. Under leaving the body immortal soul stops the breathing process and you heart stops. All can wait but brain blood circulation malfunction can cause irreversible process in our brain. After 10 minutes you will start turning into a tree and 20-30 minutes later you won`t be able to think. Brain is damaged and can`t operate.

Nobody guarantees that his astral travelling will take 5-6 minutes sharp and than he will return. And what can you see in 5-6 minutes? Nothing.

For this case you have to make your field structure controllable which will keep up heart function and lungs in guard mode: 2 strokes of heart in 1 minute and 2 breaths.

Such reserve structures in human body are absent and create them can inly God. And if it is needed for some goals. There was a case when alien civilization gave human such specific mechanism and prepared it for astral travelling but that`s the other story.

2. Not every immortal soul having left the body can see on the physical level. Such abilities are revealed only on the second circle of reincarnation and not for all human beings. Astral sight is not so interesting as amateurs say.


1. Having left the body, you leave your body without attendance. My body is my fortress and suddenly garrison has left. Returning back you can find out that your body is occupied. And it can be taken by some devilry.

It can`t reject you but you won`t be possible to push it out by yourself. This procedures are difficult and few people practice them.

2. Travelling in astral you also can meet a demon. She won`t kill you but can capture and turn you into energy source. It can`t take you captive but it will try to. Bu God won`t stand this impudence and will send you both to hell.

3. There is easier situation. A demon will sit on your neck and when you try to return to your body it will come with you.

To prevent it you have to encircle your body with special sphere (field structure) which can protect it while you travel and when you reappear it can know you and push a demon away. It`s also a very specific structure which is created by God with special purpose.


Real body leaving is possible only for our consciousness, our guardian angel. Our physical body`s third and fourth thin encircling and not fully. Carlos Castaneda names this “dreams body”.

In fact this structure can move freely in any places shifting in space and invulnerable for any influence.

It`s difficult to capture this structure but it can get lost in open space.

Such people are in lethargic sleep and will keep seeping until guardian angels return home. If they could return to body without any obstacles.

Such structure can receive any information, talk to other subconsciousness, guardian angels and otherworldly creatures but it`s very hard for it to return home with all this information and remember it.

Little volume of information we can remember after dreaming but it`s just a dream. We remember this information not for long and it disappears from our memory within a day.


It` s not obligatory to leave you body to get astral information. There are easier and safer ways to change views and share information. I mean connection to different egregores. Any egregore is a giant web encircling our planet or its part where there are followers of this egregore.

Each structure has its principles and rules according to which it acts and helps its adepts.

The only value needed for such egregore when he is communicating with you is your mental energy.

All egregores are created from energies generated by human brain, by prayer energies.

Your channel will be connected to egregore and consist of mental energy which will disperse and which you have to keep up for not to break the connection. There are many egregores, many different egregores. There can be egregores national, occult, professional and others.

Reliability of this connection is determined by 2 factors: quantity of prayer energy sent by specific egregore and your own energy power.

The more powerful biofield you have the bigger is you energetic body and the easiest you ca communicate with egregores and pay for this connection.

It can be compared with operators with one of them having more powerful transmitter and antennae is higher.

However only this is insufficient for receiving information from thin-materialistic world.

All information is received by our subconsciousness by our guardian angel but to transmit it our consciousness is too difficult. The direct information transmitting is blocked. It`s blocked on the high level in genetic an d karmic way and there are rare exceptions. I mean safe connections.

The easiest way to receive information is dreaming.

The most important messages from your subconsciousness in the primitive way you receive in dream form. You can call it prophetic dream. Here not everything is so easy as it seems because dreams can be interpreted directly and can have double meaning, one part of a dream is important or they can be useless at all.

Your subconsciousness knows what it have seen and all you have is just ask about it. How you can talk to your subconsciousness you can read in the section “Diagnostics and self-diagnostics”.

For very few people, 1 in a thousand, this information barrier can be transparent nd he can receive information from what place whatever.

Here it`s important to know that how to find this place. What volume of information you will be offered depends only on your relations with information source and egregore used.

In such contact our brain can generate different field structures which travel through information channel and lead to object but be ready that anything can fly up to you.

What to do in this case I tell in brief in my lections and describe more detail in my book “Energy vampires and your health” and its sequel “War for energy”.

Connection to astral can compare to connection to WWW. If your computer is technically equipped and connected to web than you can connect the net.

You can find any information needed if you know how.

The other question is: is it information true or false? Will it do you good or bad?

There is one more dangerous way: you go to the site full of viruses. In this case your information falls under the threat and work of your computer too. You have to protect and heal if you can`t manage to protect. In real life everything is more dangerous. You can`t push the button “reset” and restart the computer because you won`t be given new body and soul.

Additive warning for risky people.

Ability to body leaving with clear consciousness or in controlled dream is given to few people. One in a ten thousand or less. Nonetheless, I will give advice to such people.

Your heart will beat and lungs will function but you still have problems with unwanted guests.

There is no holy places or magic circles where devilry couldn`t enter if it wants to. The most unbreakable defence is a man with powerful energy who will defend you. He has six thin body encircling that is stretching for 5-10 metres. Besides, this encircling should be unbreakable so flying devilry can`t damage it. Sometimes it is said that shields are put on.

Your body should be inside this space.

I also should add that people with high power can have magic abilities and will try to block the devilry which tries to enter your body.

All groups of adepts who will offer you their help while crying mantras or psalms are very low defence.

Serious witches and vedmaki have the opposite situation.

They initially have 10-20 demons applied to them who charges energy from such people.

They won`t let any stranger approach their donor.

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