
Black energies

Black magic influence, obsession with negative energies, energetic vampirism.

To begin with, I will make clear the terms.

What is the origin of the term “black energy”?

Black energies of fear, hatred, angry, envy are always destructive as for the person itself and for the people near him.

Energies of hatred always destruct and destroy like opposites to the energies of love which connect, recover and create.

Here we have three cases:

1.Possibility of giving birth by such woman;

2. Possibility of giving birth by a daughter of such woman;

3. Possibility of giving birth by a daughter –in-law of such woman.

I can write a whole book dedicated to this theme. So I will be brief.


Deep inside such person has only fear, hatred, suspicion and irritation. All the surrounding world is considered hostile and she is a sieged fortress.

To give birth for such woman is not happiness but distraction her strength from the fight with the world. She won`t ever have love for her child. So it`s a undesired child.

But to keep the main donor – husband – she will give birth. 

Sometimes such women give birth to a 2-3 children but these children are not lucky. Children are considered as future donors who will feed their mother with energies unless she dies and help her in life.

In her house there are a lot of dogs, cats, rats or hamsters and she will love them more than her own children.

Possibility of giving birth by a daughter of such woman

There is one term “maternity happiness” Any normal woman which can give birth and raise a good child can create a family and find a normal man.

Correspondingly, energies that are inside her usually are good and positive and she can find a protector. That`s what her mother doesn`t want.

Vampire needs  defenceless and dependent woman filled with energies of fear and desperation.

Child or husband are not suitable in this situation and she tries to fight them with all means.

I faced cases when mothers, vampires (witches) killed a child in the womb of their daughters.

But killing is not enough. They can organise a disease that makes their daughter infertile.


Situation with protecting the donor occurs also when the son of such woman has wife and a child. Son is considered as a catch. She will try to ruin the marriage by all means possible and can kill the rival.

The son`s child and wife will be vampired but if the young woman shows rejection protecting her husband than she can be placed before choice: Take your son and give me mine.

Wolf is a wolf but clever.

Here I can give you one common advice: run from suchdefective mothers and not just defective but also dangerous.

Run as far as you can when you are a grown-up.

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