
Fukushima-1 11.03.2011g.

Writing about these events is extremely difficult and even scary and it's not an accident at the station itself.

This was preceded by the secret and seemingly unrelated events and secret plans.

The Events are so serious and dangerous for the planet Earth that God decided to intervene in such a radical way as strong earthquakes and no less powerful tsunami strikes on the coast of Japan at the right time and right place.

What bothered Him so much, he attended to the initiation of such a disastrous lesson, which killed about 15 thousands  people and tens of thousands homeless.

Alas, but without this lesson somehow may have died hundreds of millions of people and the history of the Earth would have gone a completely different way. Unfortunately, even now the danger of misuse of events did not pass, it is possible that these disastrous events simply shelved for a while.

In order to understand what the God did not like, what the intentions of its people made him so angry, we must remember not a very long history of Russian-Japanese relations.

Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 years.

February 10, 1904 (old style), without declaring a war, Japan attacked Russia.

They Began the heroic defense of Port-Arthur fortress that lasted 11 months.

Officially, we were attacked by Japan, but really behind the country stood England.

The British not only helped Japan to prepare for this war, assisted after its inception, fully harmed Russia and guaranteed its entry into the war in worst-case scenarios.

Close interaction between the two intelligence agencies had disastrous consequences for the Emperor of Russia.

I should note that the British very successfully applied the "weapon" against our country in the past, and accurately applies it to the present. Some of the imperial officials and officers were recruited by British intelligence long before the beginning of the war. Traitors, saboteurs and wreckers operated with a virtual impunity throughout the heroic defense, and takers and embezzlers rendered them a feasible, voluntary assistance.

However, only after the death of Rear-Admiral S.O. Makarova, and then the fortress commandant, General R.I.Kondratenko they managed to surrender the fortress enemy.

And now, we turn to more recent events, also apparently unrelated to the disaster, but which also have a smell of a gunpowder.

I mean the island of Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and Habomai ridge.

The Condition of the entry of the USSR into the war against Japan on the side of England and America was the transfer of the islands under the jurisdiction of Russia.

Then there were attempts to reach a compromise for the sake of the peace treaty with Japan, but U.S. intervention prevented a successful negotiation in 1956, and after the conclusion of the 1960 security pact between the U.S. and Japan, made it even moreproblematic.

And now, we analyze more recent information.

About 4 months before the disaster at the Fukushima-1 in Japan there began an active political campaign for the return of the islands, which in Japan is called the Northern Territories. The company was becoming increasingly fierce and mass: rallies, demonstrations, pickets, etc., and three days before the Fukushima tragedy, all Japanese businessmen were invited for a secretly prepare event for a quick escape from the territory of Russia.

Sounds familiar? A Port Arthur in 1904?

Only the target was smaller, but easier in protection, and behind Japan, there were all the same Anglo-Saxons, but already in the foreground of America and not England.

But not everything was so simple. Nuclear power against non-nuclear. Vast areas and small areas of the island nation - illogical turns.

It was no doubt for me That America would not fight for the interests of Japan in this situation, that she would not promise it. Throughout its modern history, the United States tried to avoid open conflict with a serious adversary, when the warring parties bled each other in a brutal fight, and then later entered the war with a firm guarantying a quick victory.

Nevertheless, Japan's actions were also well planned and prepared many moves ahead.

They either had their ace in the hole, and they were going to pull it out at the right time and this trump card were - nuclear weapons.

The conflict around the Kuril Islands, regardless of the result meant bloodshed, which means the maximum war hysteria and an opportunity to overcome the rejection of the population of Japan in case of nuclear weapons.

Now we are going back to the plant "Fukushima-1".

On the territory of the NPP there was located equipment for the production of nuclear warheads and there were specialists who trained to work on this equipment.

Moreover, on the same grounds, fuel rods were used as the raw material for the production of nuclear weapons.

Everything was planned perfectly.

War hysteria paves the way for a legislative solution to have nuclear weapons.

It took several months, and this weapon was already available.

There is no doubt that such a technically advanced country like Japan coped with this problem fairly quickly.

What would have happened then, and how would have behaved the country as a new nuclear power has territorial disputes with several neighboring states, I do not presume to predict.

Almighty did not like such developments and he took his measures.

Earthquake and then a tsunami that enveloped this nuclear power plant incapacitated not only equipment of nuclear reactors with cooling systems, cooling system not only pools with nuclear liquid.

Equipment for the production of nuclear weapons incapacitated.

people who were trained to operate the equipment were had been killed.

By the way, scientists had pointed out that where is a large social, psychological and political tensions, where they can spill the blood, there are often a strong earthquake. We can say that people's hate shakes the earth.

I have no doubt of the highest quality and reliability of the equipment that was used at the station.

The staff was well trained and disciplined.

It seems that redundancy for such accidents was provided - all provided for, but the will of God is stronger than any forethought people.

After alternately strike of two elements there began a continuous series of extremely dangerous occurrences, Japan threatened that it was a repetition of Chernobyl reactors and there the whole five strikes.

Explosions, fires, equipment failures, fuel melting, leaking radioactive water in huge quantities, the destruction of structures and many more, but the main danger - overheat and burst reactors.

Rescuers are making every effort, but repeatedly returned and nuclear danger death came from different sides.

Only one month of persistent struggle, managed to bring the situation more or less under control.

Bring the situation under control, ie avoid explosion reactors and nuclear fuel melting in storage pools.

There was a problem with a water pollution, land and air, but the solution to this problem will take many years and will affect the lives of Japanese people for many decades.

Complete picture of the disaster at the plant "Fukushima-1" we will likely never know, but one thing is clear that the negative attitude to the nuclear weapons and nuclear power will be even more categorical in Japan.

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