
Callisia or "a Golden mustache"

I'd like to Express my thanks to Inessa Magalinskaya For a help in preparation during these materials


Golden mustache (home ginseng Far mustache, maidenhair, corn) - these and other names people gave to a wonderful plant from Mexico, possessing ornamental and medicinal properties. In its scientific name there are inconsistencies due healers and herbalists they mention two names: dihorizandra and callisia (Calis) fragrant.

How does it look?

Leaves of a golden mustache spirally arranged at the top of the stem, they are quite large -20-25 cm long ,5-8 MWSS width. When you break the leaf it shows so-called "living hair." Flowers are dark blue or purple, sometimes white. Smells nicely, like a hyacinth. After flowering and fruiting plant's stalk dies and "freezes." Externally, the plant looks like a young corn.

In adulthood, it reaches several meters and height (in-Home Use under about a meter, so you need to install the stem support so he would not break under its own weight) and throws mustache, consisting of "joints", which are formed at the ends of a leaf whisk . Golden mustache - is a heat-loving and light-loving plant, nature has chosen bright, sunny places.

Grows well in the Home Use conditions.

At home add some river sand to the ground as it's needed for a plant growth (silicon). Periodically water his breast with water (a quarter cup of milk 1 liter of water) and wipe the leaves with a cloth dipped in milk.

Composition and medicinal properties

Golden mustache contains organic acids, enzymes and vitamins, but it is clear that the main source of its healing power  - is a high concentration of biologically active substances (biogenic stimulations), flavonoids and fitosteroids.

Reaction to the introduction of biogenic stimulators is increasing intensity of metabolic processes and energy stimulation revitalization. Biogenic stimulators can be successfully used in the treatment of many ailments. Juice of a golden mustache has wound-healing properties. It is also treats good blisters, ulcers, cystic neoplasms.

About high disinfectant properties of the plants says this fact: decoction of leaves does not sour for months in the laboratory room. Derivatives from golden whiskers are able to suppress inflammation, relieve pain, restore function of the pancreas, spleen, adrenal cortex, treat inflammation of the gallbladder, biliary tract, stomach, small intestine, normalize the acid-alkaline balance of the gastrointestinal tract, display products of metabolism from the body, thin the phlegm, reduce hypersecretion and swelling of the bronchial mucosa of asthmatics.

Phytosterols, which are rich in "Home Use Ginseng" have anti-sclerotic, antitumor, antibacterial action, help with diseases of the endocrine system, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, metabolic disorders. They are useful and healthy for people, as they have tonic, tonic, cleansing action. It detects chromium, nickel, iron, copper - all these elements are required for a normal metabolism.

How to cook the drug from the golden mustache

Depending on the disease, you can use different parts of the golden whiskers. Most often, medications (infusions, tinctures, decoctions, oils, ointments) are prepared from "joints" or leaves of the plant. It is considered that the medicinal properties are only in adult plants which horizontal shoots (whiskers) has at least 9 "joints" of a brownish-purple color. Before preparing any drug shoots and leaves of a golden mustache should be rinsed in boiled water and dried, spread out on a clean napkin.


Infusion - aqueous extract from a plant material, suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Infusion from leaves of a golden mustache is recommended for the general strengthening of the body, treatment of diseases of the digestive system, rinses, baths, compresses. To prepare this, it's recommended to use healthy leaves of the plant that have reached a length of 20 cm, infusion can be prepared in many ways:

1 way

Chop One leaf of a golden mustache, put it in an enamel or glass container. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover the container lid, leave it for 24 hours. Strain, pour into a clean glass bottle and store in a cool dark place.

2 way

Chop One leaf of a golden mustache and place it in a preheated thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wait 5-8 hours, drain. Pour into a clean glass bottle or jar, close, store in a cool dark place.


Tincture - a liquid extract of a crude drug, prepared on the basis of alcohol. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. This tincture can be used for general strengthening of the body, treatment of internal diseases, bruises, some skin diseases. Raw material for the preparation of tinctures are side shoots and leaves of a golden mustache. Cook it like these ways:

1 way

Grind 3-5 "joints" of a plant, put it in a glass bottle, pour 100 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka. cork the bottle and remove it to a cool dark place. Infuse it 7-14 days, occasionally shaking the contents. Finished infusion, pour into a clean container, cork and store in a cool place.

2 way

40 g of crushed leaves and side shoots of golden whiskers put in a glass bowl, add 100 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka. Insist at least 12 to 15 days, shaking occasionally. Strain, pour into a clean glass container (preferably dark glass), store in a cool dark place.


Broth - a liquid dosage form, obtained by boiling the plant materials in the water. Broth of golden whiskers could be taken to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body and used as an external tool in the treatment of certain skin diseases (in the form of compresses, baths, rinses). Broth can be prepared from the shoots and leaves of the plant in the following ways.

1 way

Chop Leaves and shoots, pour cold water (1 liter and 30 g of raw material), bring to a boil on a medium heat, covered with a container lid. Infuse it 6-8 hours, drain. Ready broth is stored in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool dark place.

2 way

Chop 10-15 "joints" of a golden mustache, pour 500 ml of a hot water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover it, insist 10-12 hours. Drain, pour into a glass bottle. Store in a cool, dark place.

Fresh juice

Fresh juice - should be prepared this way. Cut the leaves of the plant, wash with cool boiling water, cut peaces (3 mm size) squeeze out the juice using a juicer or pound  raw materials in porcelain or a glass dish, and then squeeze out the juice through the cheesecloth.

The remaining cake is used for the infusion and for the treatment of injuries. Fresh juice is used externally as an antiseptic and healing wound in the treatment of pyoderma, skin cancer and other diseases.


Ointment - a solid dosage form prepared on a fat basis. For outdoor use. It can be prepared on the basis of suet, goose, badger or bear fat, vaseline. It is recommended to use for the treatment of skin diseases, bruises, hematomas, frostbite, burns, as well as friction with joint diseases, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

1 way

Fresh shoots and leaves of a golden mustache grind in a mortar or mince, mixed with grease or Vaseline (in a ratio of 20 g of vegetable raw materials and 30 g basis). Store Ointment in a tightly closed glass jar in a cool dark place.

2 way

Fresh shoots and leaves of a golden mustache grind and squeeze the juice. Mix it with a fatty base until it is smooth (a rate of 10 ml of juice and 30 grams of fat or Vaseline). Shift Ointment into a glass container, cork tightly and store it in a dark cool place.


Such a dosage form, like oil, is used only for external use (rubbing, with therapeutic massage, as a compress).

Oil from the golden mustache at home can be made from various parts of the plant: fresh shoots and leaves, as well as pre-dried plant materials.

1 way

Chop Fresh whiskers fold in a glazed ceramic or refractory glass bowl.

Add olive oil or refined sunflower oil, cover the container with a lid and put in the oven, preheated to 35-40 ° C. Heat for 8 hours, cool, filter. The resulting oil should be poured into a clean glass bottle and store in a cool dark place.

2 way

Fresh shoots and leaves of a golden mustache grind in a mortar or mince, put the resulting mass in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. The remaining mass should be spread in a thin layer on parchment paper and left to dry, then put in a glass bottle, pour vegetable oil. Infuse in a cool, dark place, filter.

Treatment of cancer and associated diseases of the lymphatic system, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma.

For such treatment we need only fully mature mustache, reached 12-13 "joints", dark brown color and having at the end of the whisk leaves of one, two or even three rows.

For a continuous use, alcohol tincture can be prepared and stored in a dark place for a long time.

Take four fully mature mustache (no leaves), shred them and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Wait 10-15 days in a dark Mester, regularly shaking, then filter and pour into a glass container with a tight lid. Store in a cool dark place.

Cut mustaches, can be stored in refrigerator 3-5 days without losing their properties. People who are not tolerate with alcohol can have freshly washed golden mustache from one to three times a day  20-30min before meals. Single administration should begin with 2 "joints" and gradually be adjusted to 5 or more, but it depends on the weight of the person and the state of his health.


After receiving multiple golden mustache, you need to clean the gastrointestinal tract using sorbents of toxins emitted by the liver. If you have been treating for a long time have a Break once a month for 1-2 days. Take sorbents: activated carbon or its analogs.

Before using the golden mustache, make sure that your liver is completely healthy and closely monitor her condition all the time of ingestion.

As possible drug idiosyncrasy, the reception should start with small doses (1/2 or even 1/4) and gradually increase, watching his condition.


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