
Proof of immortal soul existence

Immortal soul is a key to life. It`s God property without which our life is impossible. And not only our life but life of any animal on the planet.

The importance of this invisible structure was considered by our ancestors. There is a saying “breathe one's last”.

Just only spirit, bodiless spirit. For atheists this is a reason for mocking butt   the sense of this words is really serious: to kill and die.

Nonetheless, we know less that we should about this important field structure, less than we know about biofield.

Our immortal soul is looking from God and include all information about our previous lives and register our present life information.  This information record is continuing when it leaves our body. All thoughtful structures travel with it. All 3 centres of consciousness moves together.

Immortal soul reveals itself very humble. It only analyses our thoughts and deeds and returns signals “good” or “bad”.

Nonetheless, this is the most important part of our biofield and it`s body leaving means death. There are some examples proving its existence.

Proof 1

Clinic death or heavy faint.

In literature there are many descriptions of feeling and emotions of person received from clinic death. Analogical descriptions of this conditions are given by some people that suffered heavy faints.

Death is a body leaving by immortal soul bit it has a chance to return and than it keeps near physical body. It flies under the ceiling of the room watching the body and looking how doctors try to return life. Resuscitator group achieved their goal and immortal soul return to body sometimes keeping memories of the event. You came to yourself in your bed – and life is going on.

You can remember a picture how you see yourself from above, your body on the bed and doctors leaning over you.

Sometimes this feelings have another scenario.

Immortal soul of dead person goes into the tunnel and moves to bright light. If person is not ready to die or his time hasn’t come yet his soul meets his dead relative or a saint who returns it back to the body.

Here I want to say few words about this tunnel.

Immortal soul is the most precious thing to God and he always looks after it, his particle.

If soul is young and inexperienced she can`t know where to move after having left the body. In this case an invisible tube comes from above and a soul moves upward.

While immortal soul moves upward (100 km at least) God considers life or death question. If time of this person hasn`t come yet, it returns to him. To prevent immortal soul resistance somebody important is sent to stop her with whom it can`t argue.

Proof № 2

This proof comes from my own experience. One can see immortal soul and no superpower is required. You have to be in right place and right plan.

The first condition to see immortal soul is death. The second one: you have to visit funeral, funeral repast but you are limited by 40 days since death and even less. The third condition: During life that dead person had to feel home with his relatives and friends and to feel well in his own house where funeral feast us held.

The fourth question: You have to be inside building with high white ceiling, white walls and bright light.

The following is easier. In certain moment you will see a half-metre oval soaring under the ceiling. The size can be different because it depends on person`s energetic power.

It will be transparent structure with light grey shade as cigarette smoke. Image visible through this structure will tremble. It`s like you are looking on hot asphalt or kettle`s vapour. Immortal soul appears at once and soars for a few minutes. It can disappear but then return and soar again still in some place.

As days come, it will be less visible and become lighter and after 40 days it will become fully transparent and calm.

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