
Organs recovery 

Before you start recovering your organs you have to stop their deterioration – cure the inflammatory process. Clay can easily do this task but than you need other methods.

There are few people on Earth who can recover removed inferior organs – 500 persons and most of them don`t know about their ability so they don`t use it.

To hold this procedure one must have not only the very powerful biofield ( body field structures, thin bodies, energy-informational matrix, etc) but also high level of inferior development of this field. I mean qualitative level of development.

In fact, one have not only to give the energy needed to recover the damaged or removed organs but also give the information that will initiate the grow of certain cells.

Besides, I must notice that the cause of removing of certain organs is long disease due to which a damage occurs in thin –material body that belongs to these organs. So it  important not only to recover patient`s physical organ but also recover it`s thin body in other case renewed organ won`t function normally and it will start to deteriorate again.

People who can renew amputated organs are not so numerous too, about 200 persons but most of them don`t know about their ability so they don`t use it.

This task is even more difficult because after the amputation of outer organ thin body is being damaged within several months and in a half-year person with a medium wattage doesn`t have it.

One have to recover thin body of the missing organs and than give orders to renew it. This task is really difficult and requires highly organised field structures though you can ask God for help.

The most difficult is the question of resurrection. One can revive dead person within 9 days when energy-informational connection between immortal soul and physical body still exists. More precise, when there is a connection between thin bodies of the dead person that remained after the immortal soul has escaped.

But you have to ask God to return the soul back to Earth and to ask soul if it wants to return back.

If you complete these tasks than put soul into the body and give a person some energy to start functioning of the heart and lungs. It`s evident that spinal cord and cerebrum should be undamaged.

But that`s not enough for revival of a normal person. Cells start dying within 15 minutes after the heart has stopped and after 1, -1,5 hours nothing human remains in person.

One have to renew the dead brain, thin body near the dead brain and in other parts of the body and only than revived man will think properly an be human again.

For people who are dead for 9 days the inaccuracy of this period can be few days there are 3 obstacles that cannot be overcome. It doesn`t depend on whether you keep the body frozen or embalmed or cloned.

Immortal soul is the key to life and it is kept in God`s hands only.

All efforts to prolong person`s life or give a new one without God`s help are useless and all that scientists do is fraud for me. Fraud for very good money.

Thinly-material body of the person is already dead and cannot be revived. It`s just human meat with human genes.

God will sent this soul in next body in other part of the world and if it`s ideal it will return to paradise. It won`t come back.

For normal functioning of the human body you must have not only the immortal soul but also his subconsciousness, his guardian angel and it`s not so easy to connect them again. It`s God`s will.

When soul enters the new body it forgets about previous lives but sometimes a news leak takes place.

A person can know about some episodes in his previous life but usually such person knows episodes  from several previous lives where he was mam or woman and belonged to different races and religions.

Besides, this child will be born within 1000 km from his last life location and in another country. He will have new parents and adore them. Even if you find this person it will be another person.

My last warning is: remember about safety.

For this serious treatment a person must let energies enter his body and it requires trust. You can`t do it using violence. You can use violence in hypnosis, suggestive treatment or manipulating but not in treatment.

If a healer contacts with black magic he always has black negative energies: fear and hatred.

Hardly any subconsciousness will open felling these emotions if it hasn`t contacted with black magic before.

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