
Special diagnostics

If you got to this section than you have mastered the pie charts and a piece of paper with pendulum has replaced you an X-ray, CAT, chemical laboratory, etc. Congratulations! Only 2-3% of world population is capable to achieve such results.

Below I describe methodology of working with subconsciousness: what questions you should ask and in what order and how to interpret the answers.

1. Lymphatic system diagnostics

The most popular question asked is: For how many per cent is any lymphatic system healthy? My answer is – 100 %. In healthy body lymphatic system is not wasted.

Wasting of head lymphatic system for 2-3% means the inflammatory process. First of all, check pulpitis or middle ear inflammation.

If the purity of your  head lymphatic system is less than 95% and it continues a year it`s possible that you have thyroid gland disorder.

Significant thyroid gland disorders (level of health is less than 80%) can lead up to the wasting of the body lymphatic system. If the level is less than 60% you risk an oncology. Chest and pancreatic gland are the first in the risk zone.

Chill and any chronic disease is the reason for decreasing lymphatic system purity for 90-95%.

Flu can become a reason for decreasing lymphatic system purity for 80% and more but only tumour waste products can hold lymphatic system in over wasted condition (less than 60%).

Another critical indicator is 40%. Over wasted lymphatic system doesn`t cope with decay product emission in the whole body and one risk tumour occurrence in others parts of the body. But that doesn`t happen at once. It can take a few months or years.

2. Spine diagnostics

You are recommended to ask the following questions:

1. What vertebra is shifted more?

2. What vertebra is shifted less?

3. How far is shifted the worst vertebra? (an ideal is 100%)

4. How far is shifted the odontoid vertebra?

5. How far is shifted the third one?

The same questions are asked to diagnose the condition of intervertebral discs and tophus on vertebras.

Level of health corresponding 95% doesn`t provoke severe pains and doesn`t require immediate medical aid. Shift in the level of health for 1-2% is not evident for doctors.

3. Spinal cord diagnostics

Due to severecatarrhal diseases spinal cord health condition can drop for 50% and even for 75% (one can risk a paralysis). Сonvalescence can take few months.

If this indicator has stabilized below 100% you should check middle ear inflammation: it can remain for years without improvement and block the spinal cord convalescence.

If this state goes on for several years you have to check the intervertebral discs condition and tophus on vertebras 8, 9 and 18,19.

4. Heart diagnostics

More than once I faced cases when a patient complained of heart pains, with cardiogram confirming his complaints and pendulum showed 90-95%. But after the inflammation process in liver was cured the general state of health was also improved.

The same symptoms are possible if the patient suffers from vertebra shift or tophus.

The symptoms are the same but treatment should be different.

5. Missing organ diagnostics

If you diagnose inflammation process in the missing organ but you didn`t know it promptly, the indicator can show 95-98% as in the healthy organ and surely: there is no inflammation.

6. Working clay diagnostics

If you want to be sure whether clay you used is working or not than the easiest way is to check the external lay of clay with pendulum. You will understand how much negative energy it consists. Another way is to ask your subconsciousness “How far is my clay filled?” If the zone of spreading the negative energy is more than the area of applied clay than the answer is 100%. It means that you cannot use this clay anymore.

7. Diagnostics with photo using

For this type of diagnostics it`s better to use photos when the patients face is seen well without any glasses (especially sunglasses). Small passport photos could be useless. But before working with the photo ask whether a patient agrees to be examined. If it is not possible than ask:

1. Do you have a contact?

2. Can you diagnose this person?

For that you have to place pendulum above the patient`s photo or point at the patient with your finger. In case when there are several persons on the photo cover other part of the photo with a piece of paper. If there are two persons embracing than don`t use this photo. You can diagnose the wrong person. The distance doesn`t matter. The patient must be alive and not in coma. Besides, you should remember that diagnosing the patient by his photo can lead to the treatment of diseases he has: inflammation, tophus, hex so you have to start working with a question: can I treat this person?

8. Development of a disease diagnostics or the longest diseases chain.

One of the Saint-Petersburg publishing houses edits a book of folk medicine under the general name of “A path to health”. I wanted to name it “A path to disease”. Alas, but a person who for years follows such a path can die earlier despite all efforts of his doctors and all financial expenditures.

Let`s begin from the very top of this pyramid. From the impalpable. From biological energies that feed our body.

Biofield can be big and can be not so big. It can digress from the skin for 2-3 cm or for a 1-2 metres and even more. We are interested in filling this Biofield with energies.

The more biofield is filled with energies the better it protects our body from the virus infection attacks. Usually it is flu. The lack of energy in the biofield can lead to the problems of 2 types:

1. Biofield can be damaged in some certain place in the body and the organ in that place stops its normal functioning. You can recover its functioning only having recovered the biofield in this part of your body.

2. Normal functioning of the body`s cleansing  system can be broken. Per cent of cells being damaged in different parts of the body can be small but they are damaged at once and all this morbific energy goes up to the spinal cord and middle ear. But body`s cleansing  system capability is limited. Hydraulics specialist would say that a hydraulic blow has occurred.

Non-transformed morbific energy overflows and remains forever in the area of middle ear.

One can say that body`s cleansing system is particularly blocked. The body itself cannot remove this block and severe flu can only worsen this defect.

There are several causes for the lack of energy:

1. Global. The lack of biological energy in the whole body can happen due to the powerful energy necrosadism, strong fatigue or simply because of the age. The body has used all his energy and can`t create it in necessary volume. Such situation can occur at the age of 50-60 years.

2. The second reason has more local character. Chakra providing organs with energy can be blocked or damaged. This cause the energy supply breakdown in different organs or even in their parts.

Let`s start from the very top – from middle ear inflammation.  

Morbific energy overflowed in the area of middle ear not only hinders cleansing  system work but also leads up to chronic inflammation in this organ. One should remember that middle ear is placed on the border with brain – the most important human organ! Further I will connect the level of middle ear inflammation with level of cleansing  system clogging.

Breaking of the cleansing  system`s work against negative energy can cause the increase of negative energy concentration and the decrease of all cells in the body and their life span. Cells start to die prematurely in great quantity in different parts in the body.

More and more cells are dying and our lymphatic system suffers a serious load evacuating cells disintegrating product all over the body. This limits her possibilities to give the first aid in the organs where the inflammation process has started.

Mouth cavity and lungs are the most vulnerable organs due to bacterium coming with food and air. Besides, death of cells provoke appearance of morbific energy in great volume with cleansing system working bad.

Very difficult process I will call “the chronic middle ear inflammation” just for simplicity of understanding. It can cause long term complications and diseases which at the first sight doesn`t seem connected to this inflammation. Unfortunately, they are not only chained but guarantee illness. Without treatment of the ultimate cause relapses are possible despite all medical efforts. 

So, this is the first “trouble crossroad”.

The chronic middle ear inflammation (less than 74-75%) can cause brain cancer, thyroid gland disorder, apoplexy, spinal cord degradation. 

Hormone disorders itself are very unpleasant thing. Not only the separating barrier breaks and  thyroid gland starts emitting carcinogens  in lymphatic system which cause risk of oncology in any part of the body. For the women of middle age and older it can lead to breast cancer and for children it means leukaemia.

One more “trouble crossroad” is a spinal cord degradation. Spinal cord is overfilled with morbific energy which cause the conductivity decrease of  nerve fibres. The diameter of spinal cord decrease for 20-30%.  Than there is a risk to have tophus in spine, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and even paralysis. Paralysis can be caused by decreasing of spinal cord health for more than 35-40%.

Osteochondrosis symptoms and tophus are also multisided. Depending on what nerve endings or vessels are blocked by tophus you may have: permanent headache, swoon, heart pains, lungs disorders, radiculitis, etc. All diseases mentioned do not develop at once. It can take 1-2 years but one have to treat the ultimate cause of the disease to be cured fully.

The body itself can spend many years treating middle ear disorder. Besides, the next complication after flu can sum with the previous one.

During this period your life and health will be in danger and tis danger will only be growing.

Triad of diseases which old people always have:

1. Otitus or cleansing system work breakdown;

2. Inflammation and following obliteration of thyroid gland;

3. Spine disorder (tophus, Osteochondrosis).

Existence of any of the mentioned diseases automatically means that the two other diseases also are preserved in this organism. What diseases will be the most grave and have the most severe complications depends on specifics of the particular human body. 

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