
Transvestite: karmic mission

A person who was born with normal masculine body and energetics wants to be a woman while growing.

He wants it so badly that commits suicide if he can`t achieve his goal. Such people and this phenomenon is one of the most powerful demonstrations of the God`s educational abilities.

In their previous life all these people were men and were occupied by slave trade or were procurators of women, very hard procurators.

They were known by their brutal treatment to women and children.

They satisfied themselves by humiliating, insulting and mutilating women and were proud of themselves. Look how cruel and heartless we are!

This information is written in the field structure of the immortal soul and is unacceptable for God. This information should be re-written to be right.

This human being is sent to Earth in male body but with opposite mission that is written on immortal soul, on divine bearer: be a woman.

All of what this person was proud of turns out to be miserable and all that he despised and laughed at becomes a goal so desired that for achieving it this person can sacrifice everything including his life.

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