
Heart diseases

Heart diseases are one of the most widespread causes of human death. Cardiosurgery is developing but it a half- solution.

With transplanted heart as with others transplanted organs the person gets many problems without solving.

For prevention of rejection of the transplant one need to support a low level of immunity and this can make person more vulnerable to diseases and viruses. Having a new heart and mould in lungs are not pleasant.

My diagnostics experience shows that the ultimate case of incurable cardiovascular diseases is located not in the heart itself but is connected with bioenergy and damage of energy body – hex.

You can treat this person as for a long of time: replace his heart and bicuspid valve.

All transplantation costs much and it doesn`t give a positive effect in every case and not in every case it is needed.

The easiest case is damaging of nerve endings connecting with heart. Big vertebra shift of thoracic vertebra damages nerve endings leading to heart and you will fell heart pain. The same effect can be reached under osteochondrosis in thoracic spine and possible diagnose is: cardiac fibrillation.

One more reason has bioenergetic character and its severe liver inflammation.

In human body there is an energy channel called encircling.  It starts on the right hip, goes through liver than trough heart and ends in left shoulder. If liver is inflamed  than heart gives negative energy and it feel energetic hunger.

Cardiogram will be bad and you will be prescribed to take heart drugs but you must treat liver.

For osteochondrosis treatment and treatment of liver inflammation you can use my favourite Cambrian clay but you need to consult a manipulative therapist and he can help you to get rid of problems.

There is one more danger for the heart from the side of anahata-chakra.

This chakra provides energy to heart and her damage leads to the death f human during 1-2 days and diagnose will be cardiac failure. This doesn`t happen often in real life.

More often there is anahata-chakra damage due to energy war between two people (the same hex). Heart has now only little amount of energy and becomes vulnerable to different viruses and inflammatory processes after virus infections.

Organs or his parts start to deteriorate: for example bicuspid valve starts to get damaged.

It`s too difficult to block anahata-chakra fully. Only experienced occultist can cope with that and on condition that his energy power is higher than his victim`s and that victim is not aware of danger.

Nonetheless, in certain occult circles there is a practice of killing each other with energy and if somebody felt good in the morning and two hours later his heart stopped it is the precise situation.

I won`t give recommendation for self-treatment because it`s too difficult for an unprepared person.

Any recommendations in such cases I can give only after premonitory diagnostics. Interested can read my book “Energy vampirism and your health. Hex, curse” (published in 2008). To others I cab advise only not to conflict with energy powerful people especially if these people are obsessed with negative energies and emotions.

Keep away from them. They can strike you with energy without considering it but if you are unlucky than find specialist or consult me.

Cure or recover damaged anahata-chakra is real but you shouldn`t lose precious time because one heart attack will be followed by another and your body can fail to stand it.

Even best doctors in this case can only prolong your pain (and empty your purse) because they can`t remove the heart attack ultimate case. Usually they don`t accept biofield existence and chakras and few among them are believers. So in this case your salvation is in your hands. Show initiative.

As many people don`t have extrasensory perception and can`t examine themselves the first sign for them is first heart attack or first pre-heart attack condition but nonetheless it`s not the last bell and you still have time to recover.

Hepatitis is a premonitory symptom of heart attack.

Cardiovascular diseases is quite real and actual threat for health for many people of advanced age. You have high level of cholesterol, you have bad cardiogram and you risk thrombus appearance than look for a reason in your adolescence.

Hepatitis which you had in school years remains for you forever. Virus of hepatitis damages the thin body near liver and loses possibility for effective self-purification.

All life after hepatitis you can keep to a diet, avoid unhealthy food for your liver but liver clogging will be worsening. I had cases when patients’ liver has been clogged for 75% by 50 years old.

The same reason is for chronic liver inflammation appearance and due to it in encircling energy channel negative energy came to the heart. Then heart is located in tongs: blood is poor, vascular walls are covered with cholesterol and so negative energies come to heart. One have to take care of such liver and clean it but if one wants to solve this problem fully he has to recover the liver` s thin body. If one manager to do it liver can will start cleaning itself and it will take 2-3 days. But the process is not a pleasant one.

For accomplishing this procedure one has to visit a church and say a certain prayer or find a healer with the same energies. Besides, one has to talk to his subconsciousness so it can let God energies enter your body. This can or can`t work in practice but all depends on you.

Double trap for a heart

Some years ago mass media discussed operations carried out on 2 women when instead of anaesthesia the doctor used hypnoses made by Kashperovskiy. This case is real when people with serious heart disease need operation but can`t stand anaesthesia due to allergic reactions.

The reason of this “dead end” situation is in occult damages. Incurable allergy can be caused by anahata chakra damage. It can`t be damaged by one energy blow but if one lives with a witch or black magus these blows can repeat and cause a damage. Worse is if this evil person is your relative.

If sahasrara is damaged for more than 50% your allergy and skin problems are incurable but can ease them. Peculiarity of such people is that they hit just one chakra. If sahasrara is under blow your adgna can suffer and your sight will fall. If you are not lucky your anahata chakra will be hit.

One-two such conflicts, one-two blows and your life is under risk. Anahata chakra is damaged and you get impaired cardial function, valvular defect is progressing which didn`t appear before.

The trap closed and two diseases appeared, with one disease blocking the other one. Nonetheless your situation is not the worst.  You have to recover your sahasrara chakra and your allergy disappears. If you recover your anahata chakra than you can live without surgical operation.

All can be well with God`s help and all you have is to believe in miracle.

If you have constant heart pains:

1. Check your vertebra if there is a shift;

2. Check if you have osteochondrosis in thoracic spine;

3. Check the liver: inflammation can be a result of its clogging

4. All these reasons can be replaced by one: anahata chakra malfunction but here I don`t give recommendations without diagnostics.

In this case help is impossible without diagnostics.

Nonetheless, it can be a shock for orthodox doctors and atheist doctors but nearly 75% of people with heavy and incurable diseases have p.4 in their disease reasons.

Recover normal function of your anahata chakra and during 10 days your heart will return in normal health.

Conditions of my help are in section “Contacts”.

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