
Anomalous children

“Anomalous” is not correct but I couldn`t find any other word for this multi-faceted section.

Normal and healthy woman bears a child for 9 months and give birth in good equipped hospital with qualified personnel. Delivery passed well but the child has chronic diseases, defects or was born dead.

All this troubles I will analyse in different sections

1. Birth of dead children,

2. Birth of underdeveloped children.

3. Birth of children with defects.

Major part of this information crosses with information of my second book: “Energy vampirism and your health. Methods of defence. Part of the information is in the book “Witch and Male witches (Vedmaki)” which is not published yet.

Let`s start this list.

1. A child was born healthy but dead.

At the first sight physical body of the child doesn`t have any defections. The most difficult medical analysis don`t show any inside or outside wounds. All is ideal but heart doesn`t beat and there is no breath.

Cause is simple: there is no immortal soul. There is not this little particle without which life is impossible.

Sometimes it can be caused by woman itself but more often her relatives are the one to blame.

For body`s functioning immortal soul is needed which takes with her some energy required to keep human life for next 1-2 centuries.

Future mother is obliged to ask immortal soul for her future child and this request is performed in almost all cases. Even if mother doesn`t think about this necessity her subconsciousness understands everything and ask it itself.

It takes 3-5 days for immortal soul to enter the woman`s body and get implanted in future child`s body.

This is the case when a child needs energy protection from mother.

Alas, if she lives in the house where there is a person more powerful and he doesn`t want this child and his subconsciousness and guardian angel supports him than immortal soul can`t get impended in child.

This can happen many times but if woman doesn`t find a reason to leave that place to help soul get implanted she will give birth to a dead child and efforts of doctors will be useless.

2. Birth of underdeveloped children.

The cause of such trouble can have merely bioenergetical explication. If energies enter the woman`s body in 14 chakras than for energy feeding of the child only one chakra is needed – svadhistana of his mother. On the one axis there is sahasrara of the child. If you close that chakra and black magic can do that than energy supply will be reduced and his organs like brain will be underdeveloped.

The same result can obtain a witch or a vedmak coming to the pregnant woman while she is sleeping in the form of dreams and close her svadhistana.

One visit won`t change anything but if it lasts many hours and closing lasts for 1-2 months than underdevelopment is quite possible. The worst case is the death of a child in the womb. This case is possible if woman`s wattage is more weak than witches have.

3. Birth of children with defects

There are 3 causes of this trouble:

1. Flu complications or other virus diseases.

2. Direct energy blows.

3. Occult influence.

The first cause, flu complications can be considered as natural. Flu virus can enter through any obstacle including placenta.

Flu complications freezes or even stops the organs development of a child. Any organ, any brain part and after the child was born his body is too weak to recover itself or eliminate underdevelopment.

Sometimes such defects are followed by damage of a thin body of a future child and than it`s possible to cure him by going to the church nut one should know that sincere request of his mother is needed too.

Second cause, energy blows is a mere occult reason.

Some people with powerful energetics and negative psychic can blow their victims with energy when they are outside their biofield. For each of them there is only one direction of the blow on only one chakra.

If woman is not lucky and there is anybody in her surrounding is a specialist on svadhistana blows than there occurs a danger to her and the life of her future child.

They blow on svadhistana and a child has here sahasrara and it breaks if mother doesn`t have a power to reject blows.

Broken sahasrara is a malfunction of brain power supply and how it will be shown is impossible to say beforehand. In the easiest case it`s just allergy and skin diseases.

One of my patients with such defect remembered: “I was born in scab”.

Third cause is the occult influence. It`s the most unpredictable and diverted influence.

The most developed black magic structures are demons which can enter inside the human body through the certain chakra and how will be their impact on the child is unpredictable.

The simplest example is underdeveloped limbs and syndactyly.

What you can do and what help is possible I can determine only having examined the patient.

And help is possible only if a mother is agree unless a child is 5-6 years old.

4. Love against black magic

It`s just an illustration of what`s happening in some families.

Some years ago a man came to me and asked for immediate help. Man are the rarest patients and show timidity. But this man wrote a letter and asked for an immediate help for his beloved woman and his question was difficult.

Situation was very hard. Unfortunate pregnancy, death of the child in the womb and the followed inflammatory process. Saving the patient`s life doctor ablated not only the womb but also small bowel.

His request was very brave: he asked to recover the inside organs and even sent me a photo appropriate for diagnostics.

By that time I had an experience of recovering 2/3 quarters of gullet of an oncological patient and I didn`t see any problems there. All I needed was the consent of the woman itself.

Recovery of the womb and one of the ovaries required many strength. Body can`t cope with both of them. Nonetheless I saw the order of the actions.

Recovery of the digestive tract for the patient not to die of hunger and than recovery of the womb, than slow and the most difficult of the recoveries in the human body – ovary recovery.

Man was satisfied with recovery of the digestive tract. I said that I agree to help but warned that it`s impossible without consent of the patient.

I stressed also that the patient must want to give birth one more time.

It`s wild for the atheists but I know that child birth is a godly deed and I will be sent help from above and full recovery is possible.

I needed such a little – consent but I didn`t received one.

I was thanked and than spouses said that they will come to me in a month while they decided to ask for help somebody else – I think, Grabovogo.

To know what I am to face I looked through the woman one more time.

Poor woman. Somebody in her family didn`t want that child. From the second month of pregnancy woman was under the energy blows on svadhistana chakra and that corresponds sahasrara of the child.

There were many blows. I `m not surprised that child couldn`t stand that.

A month passed and one more month and I remembered about that couple and asked the husband about his wife`s health.

Answer was sad: the woman died after 1,5 month after our conversation.

It`s a pity but if she wanted to have a child one more time all would be different.

Alas,  but she made her choice.

5. Guardian angel is afraid

This story is more happy than the previous one but alas I couldn`t help this woman as I ought to.

A woman came to me with a help to give birth to the second child. The first one was born with great difficulties and with life risk. Complications, necrosis, severe bleeding caused ablated of the womb`s part but child was born healthy.

I looked karmic information. This woman was possible to give birth to another 2 children – boy and girl. I start to investigate: what caused such heavy delivery?

On the svadhistana chakra I find a demon sitting on the bottom of the abdomen since she was 12 years old.

That was reason of her heavy delivery.

I remove black magic structure but new one came in 2 days and one more and so on during the month.

Woman and her husband left their relatives and moved to another town. And not for nothing.

There are no relatives or friends near her and no conflicts on working place. It means that someone of her relatives settles a score with her. All her communications with relatives was limited to phone calls with her sister and who could wish her bad she didn`t know.

My efforts to renew her organ were useless in that conditions. I had to ask her subconsciousness about reason of this delay. The answer was unconsoling. Guardian angel was afraid that while demons came to this woman her delivery will be heavy and can risk her life. So he hindered the pregnancy process.

While her relative- witch sent her demons nobody could discuss safe delivery.

Alas, I don`t know how to reassure woman subconsciousness in this situation.

I foresee the questions of people who are interested in occultism. Why I am so sure that some distant relative fights an occult war with this poor woman?

In fact any experienced black magus can send a dangerous creature to his victim.

This is a very hard work and expensive and requires special training and is fulfilled only under the contract.

I can suspect relatives on three reasons:

1. It`s so expensive to pay a professional to send a demon and not many people can do that.

2. That person who sends demon controls it distantly. When I destroyed a demon next one came immediately. Such information connection is only between close relatives.

3. A demon has to be targeted to find his victim on such a distance. This setup is present in close relatives (blood relation) and it doesn`t shift because the biofield of this people is similar (identical vibrations).

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