
Karma determination

Karma is cause-effect relation between thoughts and actions in past, present and future events.

In the beginning of my first book about clay treatment I wrote that to understand it right you have to accept one postulate.

Man is not a physic body but also a biofield. Biofield is very difficult and little-studied.

For understanding this section you have to accept one more postulate.

There are 3 centres of consciousness in our body: Our ego or our consciousness and our immortal soul.

Pious people understands this postulate in other way.

Our consciousness, our immortal soul and our guardian angel.

I can`t imagine to describe all karmic interference in such little article so I will talk only about two contrasts: karmic diseases and heavy mortal karma.

In the first case our consciousness hates God and energies coming from him. There is 2% of such defective consciousness.

In the second case we have deal with angels liable to God. There are 79% of such creatures.

Other 19% is guardian angels, consciousness, with different level of damages and different level of confrontations and disobedience to God.

Karmic index

We can talk about heavy karma, light, mortal karma but if such person asked your help you have to know this characteristic better. It determines not only the success of your work but your safety.

It is even more important if you diagnose such patient (authenticate information) and your help has bioenergetic character so you just pray for him.

In this case I use karmic index.

To calculate it I use pendulum and a chart from -100% up to 100%. Normal people have 0%.

It means that basic karmic missions in his life the person did right and if he had done wrongly than he taught and improved and in the field structure of his immortal soul inly right information was written down.

If this index shows minus 2-5% it supposes dishonesty, inaccuracy of this person in attitude toward other people. You can help this man. He won`t het you into trouble but can lie to you.

If karmic index is minus 10-15% it means that this person is addicted to negative energy abuse and is an energy vampire. You can try to diagnose such patient but he won`t let your energies enter him and you will have problems with praying. It will be very formal prayers. The heart of such person is closed and he won`t God energies enter him and you have to beware him.

People with karmic index lower than 15% do not ask for help. In the opposite, I teach my patients how to defend themselves from such people.

Karmic index lower than 100% is a rare case. All his life a person did everything opposite God1s will. Black energies of fear and hatred are disgusting for God. But for this person they became basic and his best friends are witches and demons. God and his angels won`t protect this person or help him and will send him to Hell after his death.

You can`t diagnose such person. He is defended by thick mental shield full of fear and hatred and his damaged guardian angel can`t give you anything but hatred.

Nonetheless, it` s possible to determine karmic effect for such creatures.

Such information is kept not in the person itself but in God structures above: how many days he has lived, how he lived them – karmic index and you can determine his energy power only relatively by the volume of his biofield.

Curious readers will ask: “Can a positive karmic index be possible?”

Of course it can but rarely. Such people can have 3-5 % and even 10% pluses but I rarely meet such people. For the majority it balances between +1% and -3%. Goof positive index id given to a person who fights different problems or negative influence over karmic plan. Over karmic plan that was determined initially.

If a person has +15% and more he can be considered as saint. This things just don`t happen in our world.

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