

Speak about schizophrenia and forget about demons is impossible. This theme is very popular in occult literature and in holy books and I will try to be brief.

Any outwardly creature is invisible to human eye oval and balls with the size from few cm to 2 metres. They are all created by human brain but their functions and abilities differ.

I will describe two sides: energetic and organisational. Due to their differentiation they will have different reasonableness and intellect up to human.

Making harm is not their main target. Their goal is negative energies so all other energies are unpleasant for them. Simplest black magic structures (BMS) make harm. They fly to a person and stay there within some metres or attach to its body and start inflammatory process. The most vulnerable place is joints. If they attach to chakra it will be blocked and corresponding organs will suffer energy lack.

Highly developed BMS makes master generate negative energies and sometimes send them to their own master. It is automatic feeding for witches who created BMS.

You will be pushed to scandals in family, at work and all for negative energies. Lacking energy you will start energy vampirism in relation of your close people, colleagues and just strangers.

You will be given certain emotional condition. One my patient has dreams about corpses, cemeteries and tombs. When I cleared her everything stopped.

My other patient was kidnapped by UFO. When demons disappeared, UFO disappeared with them.

All provocations are possible.

Another patient with serious brain tunic damages once was a creature in white light which said to her that she is very sinful and would burn in Hell forever. It was young and pretty 18 years old girl who didn`t do anything wrong. But her mother was a witch.

Demons appeared in family can cause a chain of scandals. Once you kill it, all scandals stops.

There are more difficult tasks.

You have business so you will be hindered in all your deals and drive into poverty. Of you earn your life by running a taxi your car will be crashed. If you start to pure and resist such accidents can become more serious and you may have thoughts about suicide or murder.

It is difficult to discover these creatures. Sudden drop of health condition, emotional condition changing, chain of negative actions without sense – these are reasons.

The most difficult task is to discover so called foreign demons. These creatures are not easily found and came from other planets. They can`t send energy to their master so their attachment won`t be noticed. As there is no energy vampirism so we can`t notice any changes in human behaviour but they protect their demon friends. Looking at such person you can only notice he illogical behaviour, nothing more.

This is a trap.

The easiest catches for devilry are atheists and occultists loving eastern philosophies. Every demon coming to you influence on your thoughts and if there are many demons they can try to control the person. What for? The reason is the same: negative energies in big quantity. When person does not control himself he can be forced to do any crime: suicide, terrorist attack, murder and all negative energy will be used against close relatives.

Normal human mind will resist to these intentions but devilry has another way round. It gives thought about necessity of meditations, new knowledge and changing attitude to people.

It seems alright and meditation is good but when there is nobody in your head. You can`t connect to space mind and receive divine revelations. Between you and space mind there is a demon and her voice is clearer. It is the case when you have to use logic and rationality.

If you choose the dangerous way your new attitude to people and soul-searching will end in hatred to everybody and will fall under witch’s control. She will be your light and authority. Person who has demons in his head is not free. I try to help people only when they ask for help and show their will but in this case I can firstly clear person and then talk to him.

Here is an example.

I was worried about a child`s fate whose father committed suicide after he was born and before that got into car accidents. There were many relatives but his mother didn`t care about him. I spent some time and found out that this father was killed not by chance but by a witch, his distant relative.

It was logical that she will deal with the child and his mother.  I decided to help this child who was too little and innocent and asked his relatives to send me a picture so I can purify this child and remove demons.

My request was accepted and relatives promised to send me photo though net.

One week passed, another – nothing came.

I call to young and energetic grandmother and ask about photo.  She said she had sent the photo a week ago. I repeated my address. She should have known it because we communicated many years. I said I can dictate or she could look it on my web-site.

And where is the site?

I explained.

And where is address written?

I explained.

At last she had 2 my email address but couldn`t send me the photo. By the way she knows how to use computer. Time passed she repeated her attempts.

I understood what`s happening but asked what was the size of the photo. She said: 40 Kb. For a person who knows well all technic advices and working with photo as professional it was stupid. She had many good photos of this child. Having spent more than an hour for useless conversation I didn`t get anything.  I had to explain her that she has demons on her head so she can`t control herself. She was not rude to be just refused sending the photo.

What could be done?

For ordinary people I can give some simple advices.

1. Go to church regularly and pray in front of icons, ask God about help and protection from devilry. The more energy you will send the more protection you receive. Holy water is very useful too.

You can pray at home but you can get good result only if your power is high and you pray sincerely.

2. Wear amulets. Vibrations emitted by this stones are like kundalini energy vibrations and destroy devilry if slowly enough.

3.If you practice yoga you can  regularly raise kundalini energies to clear from devilry. But remember that demons know about this energy and will hinder you from raising it. Existing of devilry does not only bring harm but makes good on information and organisation field. For materialists this can be a proof of biofield existing, God`s existence and existence of immortal soul. It is also a proof of religious necessity in human society but right religion.

Some pride and stupid people pushed by demons ask: why do we need energy? Right religion is needed because without it human beings would look like flock without future.

There are some crucial questions of all time and nations:

What for do we live?

For what reason does our world exist?

Why it is created in this way?

Right answers can be get only with right understanding of God`s intentions. In christian religion he is called the Almighty and in orthodox tradition it is God the Holy Spirit.

This theme is very big and important. I can`t describe all in little article. I need to write a book.

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