
What we treat

Inflammatory processes in the body are treated equally, prerequisite: a body or a center of inflammation must be close to the body surface.

Treatment of lung, stomach and esophagus is difficult because of their "deep bedding" and the inability to determine the point where the energy of sickness is located, but in this case clay baths can help.

Salt deposits are mainly the consequence of prolonged low-grade inflammation of the joints and they are treated like any inflammatory process. It should be added that in certain cases, inflammation of the joints is only a consequence of an inflammatory process inside the other part of the body and, if the root cause would not be removed inflammation could then repeat.

Tight shoes, that rub your bones, or a blow on the bones, which caused inflammation of the periosteum - in both cases we are dealing with the deposition of salts, but their density is much higher than in other cases. The amount of clay used in this case significantly increases - it is applied several times a day with intervals of 15-30 minutes for several days (or about one month).

Kidney Stones - is a consequence of the inflammatory process, it seems that kidneys do not hurt, but stones grow and wait for a moment to strike your health. Spicy, salty, smoked food and beer in large quantities - accelerate this process.

Removal of the inflammatory process in the kidneys leads to the reverse process: the stones are gradually begin to dissolve, but it may take 1 - 2 years. The stones can be dissolved by staying on the ground and causing you concern, but may scatter and start leaving in the form of sand - which is a good sign.

Radiculitis, in this case clay treatment should be used limited and can bring relief only if the cause of sciatica was a cold or salt deposits, and if vertebrae was displaced and intervertebral discs were damaged then you need a different treatment.

Migraine is accompanied by spasms of the neck vessels and the appearance of negative energy in the upper part of the spinal cord. Treatment consists of cleaning the negative energy in the top of the spinal cord (1 - 9 vertebrae). Sometimes it is enough to impose the clay around 8 - 9 vertebra.

Treatment of malignant tumors require significantly more modified clays and methods: After the energy is extracted from the negative region of the tumor, it is necessary to continue to hold the clay, sometimes changing it for another few hours and in case of large volumes of tumors, the procedure is repeated for several days.

Unfortunately, I can guarantee success only if the tumor is located close enough to the surface of the body, and you know where to apply the clay treatment exposed all the tumor and, in the case of mandatory, identified and corrected cause of their appearance.

Bruises are treated like any other inflammatory process with the only difference that the application of cold clay to fresh bruise also reduces hematoma. If the bruise old (30 minutes or more), then you can apply a warm clay, as a result, decreases swelling and pain.

Insect stings (wasps, bees). Immediate application of clay on the bite, leads to the removal of itching and burning in 10-15 seconds, and if you hold the clay for about 15 minutes, then no swelling nor pain be anymore.

I'll add one note, clay treats inflamed joints very well, if the cause of inflammation were injuries, hypothermia or overload.

If your diagnosis is arthritis or osteoarthritis, the clay may have only short-term positive impact. It relieves inflammation, but does not remove the underlying causes of these diseases and some time later the inflammation will return.

In this case, you will need to regularly use the clay until you liquidate the underlying cause of these diseases.

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